Wednesday 29 February 2012

Dangers in the kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in any home, as it’s where we cook food, read the morning paper and talk with other family members or flat mates about the day that just ended or the one up ahead. Everything seems nice and sweet, but if the kitchen gets too dirty or you neglect some basic safety regulations, this essential space in any home can become a source of disease and problems. There are many things that can go wrong in a kitchen, one of them being not properly overlooking the cooking process. If you heat something in the microwave or in the oven, you have to be careful that the contents don’t get extremely hot and “go over” their boiling point. If this happens, the liquids inside will start bouncing around, with the results being quite unpleasant. The less harmful thing that might happen is that the food will get splashed all over the oven or microwave and you’ll have to spend time and energy to clean them up- not to say that you’re losing the food you worked so hard to cook. Then, the oven or the microwave could get damaged and you’d have to invest in a new one or for repairing the current one. And, most devastatingly, the hot food might hurt someone in the kitchen if it’s not securely covered when it “blows”. After this type of incident, you would have to consider deep cleaning the kitchen, as the residue can be spread around the kitchen and you could have more problems down the line if you don’t take immediate action. Bacteria and harmful microorganisms can develop within the resource rich layers of dirt and stains and then spread around the house, causing diseases and some nasty allergies. Or, even worse, the residue can be food for rodents, cockroaches and other pests, which are clearly a bother, as they can ruin a perfectly decent kitchen (and home), transforming it into a dirty and insalubrious space for creepy crawlers. The same goes for the ventilation systems linking to the kitchen- they might be full of bacteria and mold that, once released into the air stream and over the food in the kitchen, can cause some serious health issues. ventilation cleaning is a very important part of keeping your kitchen clean and you should leave it to professionals. Still, if you want to do it yourself, make sure you use the right tools and proper substances. Leaving even one area covered with mold will make it spread and you’ll be at it again in no time. Pollen is another enemy that might crawl up your ventilation systems and into the kitchen, destroying the clean air and possibly causing some serious allergic reactions. The same level of care should be shown for the kitchens in institutions, like banks or company headquarters. If such a place is insalubrious, potentially all the employees could get sick and the activity of the institution get blocked for a while. Also, the authorities could get notified and the owners of the business might get a hefty fine if it gets proved that they neglected employee health standards. Of course, the best thing is to appeal to professional cleaners that will resolve all these problems in a day’s work, as their efforts will cover, amongst others, ductwork hygiene and deep kitchen cleaning

ventilation cleaning, duct cleaning

Petreceri cu laser pentru copii

Distractia cu laser – o noua idee pentru aniversarea copiilor vostri

Totul se transforma rapid. Daca pana mai ieri, aniversarea copiilor presupunea un tort, cateva sucuri si doar cativa invitati, azi lucrurile s-au complicat. Si copii vor sa fie in pas cu tendintele prezentului. Petrecerile lor implica o organizare temeinica si o locatie pe masura. Ultimul ragnet in materie de distractie pentru copii o reprezinta jocurile cu laser, mai ales daca copii au inceput deja sa guste shuterele de pe calculator. O strategie a limitarii acestor jocuri, poate incepe cu o usoara transpunere in plan real. Si aici intervin salile de jocuri.  In Bucuresti copiii vor beneficia de un spatiu special amenajat si de toate echipamentele necesare unei astfel de intreprinderi. Dar sa vedem exact despre ce este vorba...


Vesta si pistolul cu laser

In primul rand echipamentul. Este simplu: copilul va purta o veste speciala, bine stransa pe corp, prevazuta cu senzori pentru „captarea” proiectilelor inamice. Apoi, bineinteles, pistolul – high-tech, prevĂ„ƒzut cu un sistem infrarosu, de altfel inofensiv. Jocul de laser tag este controlat de un sistem performant care contabilizazĂ„ƒ scorul in timp real, afisandu-l pe un ecran urias. Suna cunoscut: un altfel de paintball. Insa este unul mai putin invaziv, mai putin costisitor si, nu in ultimul rand, mult mai actual. In plus, nu riscati sa va loviti sau chiar sa va murdariti hainele. Buna dispozitie pare deja asigurata!


Decorul si alte oferte

Apoi terenul de joaca – laser tag arena! Este de fapt un labirint foarte realist, cu decoruri futuriste si tematice -  fie ca se va pune in scena o tema ca Star Wars, fie ca se trece la ceva mai autohton, ca Batalia pentru Basarabia. Imaginatia copiilor trebuie activata si partea motivationala va compensa limitarile decorului.

La toate acestea se adauga si barul complet dotat. In pauza dintre doua partide, combatantii se pot realaxa cu o gustare la bar sau doar cu o racoritoare.


Cel putin 11 mici combatanti...

Petrecerea laser va fi un moment de neuitat. Aniversarea laser va fi un punct de cotitura, deschizand ochii celor mici catre un nou orizont, dincolo de spatiul virtual nociv al calculatorului. Dar nu uitati ca echipele trebuie sa fie sudate si sa existe minim 10 invitati cu varste cuprinse intre 7 si 14 ani. Bineinteles, prezenta cel putin a unui adult va fi obligatorie! Durata unei astfel de petreceri va fi de doua ore jumate si va include cel putin trei partide de laser tag.


Privim spre viitor?

Este, fara indoiala, distractia viitorului. Si nu doar pentru copii. Exista deja proiecte de team bilding extrem de reusite bazate pe aceasta idee. In lume fenomenul se bucura  deja o popularitate extraordinara, cu sute si mii de labirinturi si milioane de impatimiti ai jocului. Se organizeaza adevarate competitii, cu premii substantiale. Dar asa se intampla cand o distractie destinata copiilor este preluata de adulti pierzându-si, inevitabil, inocenta initiala. Cu toate acestea, copii dumneavoastra vor fi intotdeauna entuziasmati de o astfel de idee. Iar pentru parinti, aceasta inseamna in primul rand o buna ocazie de a-i urmari pe cei mici in interactiune directa, departe de spatiul virtual care incepe sa ingrijoreze din ce in ce mai mult pe psihologi. Si, sa nu va mirati daca la un moment dat cei mici si cei mari se vor duela cu aceiasi ardoare...

Asadar, laser tag, laser megazone!


distractie copii, laser tag arena